Today was a crazy day for all of us, I think.

   Stabilizing the cube has been on my mind for about a week. I've had sea legs everywhere I go, the shower the coffee shop, the gallery (that's about the only places I go in a day, . . . and the kitchen). Literally the ground was wobbling for me all the time. Last night I had a looping half sleep dream where I was trying to figure out how to make the cube sturdy and then, I realised, halfway through the night that earlier in the reality of day, I had already solved that problem with Jon. 

   My worrisome dreams were just a fearful residue, tinged by doubt in my own competence in carpentry and planning (and perhaps in part because I sleep in the attic of a 500 year old orphanage where the scarred and enormous wooden beams that are the skeleton of HMK, that are the angular obstructions I smack my head into when I get out of bed too quickly are a daunting accomplishment and wonder to me and my laser guided electric OSB-ing MDF'd lumber humping efforts) and also probably a scared projection of guilt for putting the lovely patrons of our cube-play in harm's way.

   So, understandably I woke up tired and confused and so, it seemed, did everyone else. But, it was nice to work on a stable and sturdy cube. Bok Choy Laser Amy said to me "you must know this cube so well now". The truth is, its a confusing and revealing exploration of shapes and forms and structures and its all coming together on its own. They asked for a cube and now its taken on a life of its own, a science fiction-y life of its own, a kind of low budge wood porn life of its own

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